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Erasmus+ Besuch in Lindau 2019

Europa im Fokus an der Mittelschule Lindau

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In der Woche vom 13.10. bis 18.10.19 empfing die Schule jeweils 2 Lehrkräfte der Partnerländer in Lindau. Stolz präsentierten die Mittelschüler ihre Plakate und stellten das Gastgeberland Deutschland sowie die Gastgeberstadt Lindau vor. Die Gruppe der Erasmus+ Lehrer informierten sich über unser Schulsystem und brachten sich durch mehrere Fortbildungen – auch von einer Referentin des Pädagogischen Austauschdienstes – auf einen gemeinsamen Wissensstand. Außerdem wurden die Rahmenbedingungen für die Schüleraustauschwochen besprochen. 16 Schüler aus der Lindauer Mittelschule erhalten somit die Chance, eine Woche in der Schule eines Partnerlandes an den Aktivitäten teilzunehmen. Im Frühjahr 2021 erwarten wir dann eine internationale Schülergruppe in Lindau an der Mittelschule.

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Erasmusday "Overcome"

Am Freitag, den 11.10., startete die Mittelschule Lindau mit einem großen „Erasmusday“ in ihr neues Erasmus+ Projekt „Overcome“. Gemeinsam mit 4 Schulen aus den Ländern Spanien, Finnland, Zypern und Slowenien werden wir mit den Schülern in den kommenden 2 Schuljahren verschiedene Herausforderungen meistern. In Outdoor Aktivitäten sollen die Schüler Teamfähigkeit trainieren, ihre Belastungsgrenzen kennenlernen und ihre Ausdauerfähigkeit erweitern. Am „Erasmusday“ stellten die Schüler der 6. und 7. Klassen im Schulhaus Reutin zunächst die Partnerländer vor, natürlich in Englisch. Danach konnten sie die ersten Outdoor Herausforderungen ausprobieren. Bogenschießen, Slacklining, Mountainbiken, Torwandschießen und Turmbau standen auf dem Programm.

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Erasmus Overcome

spain smallGermany smallflagge slowenienZypern 9 cm x 6 cm 882 0Flagge Finnland 600x600

Spain, Germany, Slovenia, Cyprus, Finland

About the project (2019 - 2021)

We propose a project based on outdoor education because it can provide us opportunities to tackle early school leaving and possibilities of improving the social inclusion in our school communities through the development of a positive relationship with the environment, others and ourselves through interaction with the natural world. These relationships are essential for the wellbeing and sustainability of individuals, society and our environment. Outdoor education engages students in practical and active learning experiences in natural environments and settings typically beyond the school classroom. In these environments, students develop the skills and understandings to move safely and competently while valuing a positive relationship with natural environments and promoting the sustainable use of these environments.


O1-Providing direct personal contact with nature (the outdoors) – in ways that promote enjoyment of outdoor activity and nature. Such enjoyment can be the basis for ongoing outdoor recreation and nature experiences through their lifespan, favouring citizen participation and supporting personal health-
O2-Promoting collaborative and holistic approaches to teaching and learning based on outdoor activities for reducing early school leaving ->Has to do with tackling early school leaving and disadvantage
O3-Reducing disparities in access to outdoor activities
O4-Developing essential personal and social capabilities such as communication, resilience, self-confidence, leadership, teamwork, goal setting, personal autonomy and initiative as a tool to tackle early school leaving
05-Improving of communicative skills and the use of ITC: as teachers and students work and dialogue with another European partners English and ITC will be improved significantly
O6-Building an intercultural awareness.

Work process

Students mobilities would be a must. 5 short-term exchanges of groups could be organized. Each one in each school which take part in the association.
During the short-time exchange students would be accommodated with host school families.
During each short time the host school would organize a variety of activities in relation with the objectives of the project.

Expected results

Tangible results include:
• Calendar with the most important dates and holiday in each country.
• Dictionary with the most useful words that pupils can use during the short-time exchange.
• Erasmus+ corner in each school to promote the project.
• Logo competition
• Outdoor library (in English and in each one of the languages of the association) with all the teaching units that have been used in the activities of the short-time exchange of pupils.
• A presentation to be attached to the teaching units with the healthy menu that has been used during the short and that will be included in the library.
• A website with the explanation of the project and the testimonies of teachers and pupils that have taken part in the short-time exchange of pupils.
• A developed TwinSpace to make visible all work done, specially the teaching units.
• A guide with local role models who has to do with outdoor activities. We will propose role models to our NA.

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