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Logo and Slogan Competition

In our school some classes tried to create a slogan and a logo. The winner logo was created in a project in class 6gt.

They worked in groups on our school’s topic of the year “Together strong“.  In class 6gt are 10 different nations and we all have to work together. We created a poster for our classroom.

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That’s why we talked about hands and what we can do with them symbolically. So, what can you do with our hands? Helping, hitting, showing somebody signs, congratulating, shaking hands, protecting and so on. We thought about what kind of gestures and signs we could do with our hands.The pupils were busy in: Painting, cutting, working with shadows, taking pictures and printing.

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In another group we talked about our Erasmus project. And the children had the idea, that hands can protect the world in real nature and also in its digital form, when we get connected with respect and kindness. So, the idea for this logo and the slogan was born.

blog handslogo3Erasmus Logo FINAL Germany 400 Kopie

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